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  • 01 Syngas (H₂+CO)
  • 02 Xenon (Xe)
  • 03 Krypton (Kr)
  • 04 Compressed air
  • 05 Carbon dioxide (CO₂)
  • 06 Helium (He)
  • 07 Hydrogen (H₂)
  • 08 Argon (Ar)
  • 09 Nitrogen (N₂)
  • 10 Oxygen (O₂)
Syngas (H₂+CO)
H₂+CO, which is formed primarily of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, is used as a basic chemical raw material for chemical synthesis. It is the most crucial and basic component of the industry chain for numerous chemical products. Yingde Gases uses various types of chemical raw materials (such as coal, natural gas, refining residue and biomass) to produce Syngas. We provide Syngas for different applications to customers in the chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and fertilizer industries through pipelines and related Syngas production and purification technologies.
Supply methods
Pipeline supply, on-site business
Application fields
Chemical industry, petrochemical industry
Application technologies
Syngas is used as an intermediate in the production of synthetic fuels or lubricants. It is also often used as internal combustion engine fuel because of its flammability.
  • Full technical specifications for Syngas
Xe (Xenon)
Xenon gas (Xe) is a colorless and odorless element with a larger atomic number among inert gases. It is an extremely rare gas, accounting for only 0.000009% of the atmosphere. Xenon gas, which emits an exceptionally strong white light when it is energized, is often used to fill flash tubes and flash lamps to give a deep anesthetic. While Xenon itself is non-toxic and is exhaled in its original form after inhalation, it poses a risk of suffocation at high concentrations.
Supply methods
Cylinder transportation
Application fields
Aerospace industry, lighting, semiconductors, glass, electronics, medical
Application technologies
  • Safety technical specifications for Xenon
Kr (Krypton)
Krypton is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless inert gas with a concentration of one part per million in the atmosphere. Orange-red during discharge and present in traces in the atmosphere, it can be separated from liquid air by fractional distillation. The multiple spectral lines of krypton give ionized krypton gas discharge tubes a white appearance. As krypton gas injected into light bulbs make them glow white, the gas is often used to make fluorescent lamps. Similar to other inert gases, Krypton has chemical properties which are extremely inactive, making it hard for it to produce chemical interactions with other substances.
Supply methods
Cylinder transportation
Application fields
Glass, lighting
  • Safety technical specifications for Krypton
Compressed air
Yingde Gases provides compressed air with different pressure levels based on customer requirements. Compressed air is widely used by various enterprises as packaging air, pneumatic sources and instrument air.
Supply method
On-site business, pipeline supply
CO₂ (Carbon dioxide)
A carbon-oxygen compound with a chemical formula of CO₂ and a molar mass of 44.0095, carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. It is soluble in most organic solvents such as water and hydrocarbons and has the properties of acidic oxides. Carbon dioxide in its solid form (-78°C) is also called dry ice, which is non-flammable and can be used as a refrigerant for food refrigeration and fire extinguishing processes.
Supply method
Bottled gas, tank truck distribution
Application fields
Food, beverage, medical and pharmaceutical, chemical industry, pulp and paper making, water treatment
Application technologies
Welding and metal processing, foaming agents, dry ice cleaning, alkaline water neutralization technology in sewage treatment, pH adjustment technology in paper production processes, food freezing, soft drink carbonation, greenhouse agriculture, food transportation cooling, pH control of drinking water, grain fumigation, flour cooling, stunning for slaughter
  • Safety technical specifications for Carbon dioxide (liquefied)
  • Safety labels for Carbon dioxide (liquefied)
He (Helium)
Helium (He) is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-flammable gas, which is mainly derived from natural gas wells and is extremely rare. Liquid helium (-269 °C) is the coldest liquid on earth.
Supply method
Packaged gases
Application fields
Electronics, optical fiber, aerospace, balloon inflation, medical, semiconductors
Application technologies
Metal welding and coating, magnetic levitation trains, deep sea diving mixture, helium leak detection, laser gas, atomic reactor coolant, heat treatment quenching
  • Safety technical specifications for Helium (compressed)
  • Safety labels for Helium (compressed)
H₂ (Hydrogen)
Molecular H₂ is a colorless and odorless gas. Under room temperature and atmospheric pressure, hydrogen is extremely flammable, colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless and insoluble in water. Hydrogen is a colorless and odorless gas with the lowest density among various gases. Under standard conditions, its density is 0.089 g/L and it is difficult to dissolve in water. Under 101 kPa pressure at -252 ℃, it becomes a colorless liquid. At -259 ℃, it becomes a snowflake-like solid.
Yingde Gases provides its customers with compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen (H₂) of various purity grades and product standards
Supply methods
On-site business, tube bundle truck distribution
Application fields
Chemicals, semiconductors, electronics, photovoltaics, food, beverages, glass, aerospace, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen refueling stations (hydrogen energy vehicles)
Application technologies
Glass surface polishing, metal heat treatment, petroleum and refining, heat treatment quenching, annealing and brazing in heat treatment, heat treatment of powder metallurgy
  • Safety technical specifications for Hydrogen (compressed)
  • Safely labels for Hydrogen (compressed)
Ar (Argon)
Molecular Ar has a molecular weight of 39.95 and is a colorless and odorless gas. It has an atmospheric melting point of -189.2℃ and atmospheric boiling point of -185.7℃. Argon accounts for about 0.932% of the atmosphere.
Yingde Gases provides its customers with gaseous argon, liquid argon and high purity argon of various purity grades and product standards.
Supply methods
Large-scale on-site gas production, small on-site installations, liquid distribution, Mini Bulk, on-site storage tanks
Application fields
Steel, non-ferrous metals, medical and pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, photovoltaics, lighting, silicon crystals
Application technologies
Welding protection, heat treatment quenching, heat treatment of powder, heat treatment of aluminum casting
  • Safety labels for Argon (liquefied)
  • Safety technical specifications for Argon (compressed)
  • Safely labels for Argon (compressed)
N₂ (Nitrogen)
Molecular N₂ has a molecular weight of 28 and is present in 78% of the atmosphere. It is an inert gas that is colorless, odorless, non-corrosive and non-flammable with an extremely low temperature. Nitrogen is environmentally friendly and non-polluting while posing a suffocation risk upon reaching a certain concentration in a confined space. It has an atmospheric melting point of -209.8℃ and atmospheric boiling point of -195.8℃. Nitrogen accounts for about 78.08% of the atmosphere.
Yingde Gases provides its customers with gaseous nitrogen, liquid nitrogen and high purity nitrogen of various purity grades and product standards.
Supply methods
Large-scale on-site gas production, small on-site installations, liquid distribution, Mini Bulk, on-site storage tanks
Application fields
Steel and iron, non-ferrous metals, metal processing, heat treatment, medicine, chemicals, electronics, food, beverages
Application technologies
Welding protection, tire vulcanization, concrete cooling, intelligent nitrogen sealing system, organic waste gas recovery technology in waste gas treatment, low-temperature reactor technology in the pharmaceutical industry, pressurization of beverage liquid nitrogen infusions, low-temperature pulverizer, inert protection of food, food freezing, food preservation, purging in food technology, bubbling deoxidation of edible oil, metal heat treatment
  • Safety labels for Nitrogen (liquefied)
  • Safety technical specifications for Nitrogen (compressed)
  • Safely labels for Nitrogen (compressed)
O₂ (Oxygen)
Molecular O₂ is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas with an atmospheric melting point of -218.4℃ and atmospheric boiling point of -183℃. It accounts for 20.95% of the atmosphere. Liquid oxygen is sky-blue in color while solid oxygen has a blue crystal appearance.
Yingde Gases provides its customers with gaseous and liquid industrial oxygen, high purity oxygen and medical oxygen of various purity grades and product standards.
Supply methods
Large-scale on-site gas production, small on-site installations, liquid distribution, Mini Bulk, on-site storage tanks
Application fields
Steel smelting, flame and laser cutting, chemical industry, non-ferrous metal smelting, metal processing, heat treatment, medical care, water treatment, cement, glass, national defense industry
Application technologies
Cutting, welding, oxygen-enriched combustion, all-oxygen combustion, biological fermentation, dissolved oxygen in aquaculture, ozone sterilization, exhaust gas denitrification treatment